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What Is It Worth?

When you have something of value, you often find yourself wondering how much it really is worth. Did you know that there are professionals who can actually answer this question for you? They're known as appraisers, and they have a vast knowledge of the items they appraise. Some people only appraise houses. Others appraise cars, jewelry, antiques, or other items. The opinion of an appraiser is worth a lot since they are considered to be experts. Read more about appraisers and appraisals on this blog, and you'll know who to call the next time you want to know something's value.


Is A Home Inspector Important When Buying A Home?

23 August 2022
 Categories: , Blog

One of the most important steps when buying a home is to have a home inspector complete a thorough home inspection. You may know, from being an experienced homeowner, some of the things to look for when purchasing a new home, but a home inspector will look deeper than the surface.  What Is a Home Inspector? A home inspector is a licensed professional who is qualified and educated. A home inspector is responsible for completing a home inspection prior to the purchase of a home to ensure the home is up to code and safe to live in. Read More …

Factors That Determine The Price Of A Residential Property

11 August 2022
 Categories: , Blog

There are a few reasons why you'd want to appraise your residential property. Maybe you're considering selling and want to find out how much your home is worth, or perhaps you're taking out a home equity loan and need to know the value of your collateral. Regardless of the reason, it's important to understand the factors that affect residential real estate appraisals so that you can be sure you're getting an accurate estimate. Read More …

Have A Vacant Property? Why You Should Work With A Property Watch Association

28 June 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Houses stand vacant for a number of reasons. Some homes are unoccupied because the owners are waiting to find tenants who would like to reside there. Other places are empty because they serve as second homes that are only used during certain times of the year. You may fall into one of these categories and want to know how to best handle the situation until someone is able to move into the property. Read More …

Everything You Need To Know About Machinery And Equipment Appraisals

25 May 2022
 Categories: , Blog

There are times when a business may need to get the machinery and other pieces of equipment that they own appraised. Here's what you need to know about machinery appraisal. What is machinery appraisal? A machinery and equipment appraisal is an estimation of the value of a particular machine or piece of equipment. This process is generally used in order to determine the current market value of the item, as well as to provide potential buyers with an idea of what they should expect to pay for it. Read More …

What Is The Purpose Of A Diminished Value Car Appraisal?

19 January 2022
 Categories: , Blog

While all cars depreciate as they get older, they depreciate even more immediately after an accident. This depreciation is an unfair hit to your vehicle's potential future resale value. However, you may be able to recover some of the lost value from the other person's insurance company. To make the best case, though, you should get a diminished value car appraisal. Keep reading to learn more about diminished car values after an accident and how a report can help when you file a claim. Read More …