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What Is It Worth?

When you have something of value, you often find yourself wondering how much it really is worth. Did you know that there are professionals who can actually answer this question for you? They're known as appraisers, and they have a vast knowledge of the items they appraise. Some people only appraise houses. Others appraise cars, jewelry, antiques, or other items. The opinion of an appraiser is worth a lot since they are considered to be experts. Read more about appraisers and appraisals on this blog, and you'll know who to call the next time you want to know something's value.


5 Reasons To Get Your Business Appraised During Estate Planning

29 December 2021
 Categories: , Blog

As a small business owner, estate planning is a vital part of not only providing for your family's secure future but also for your business's continuation. And one key component of estate planning is a proper business valuation. Why is business appraisal so important? Here are five of the many reasons to get it right. 1. It's a Big Part of the Estate. For most small business owners, the business is one of the most — if not the most — valuable assets they own. Read More …

Considering A Home Inspection As Part Of Your Offer? Why The Inspection Is Important

28 December 2021
 Categories: , Blog

When you're buying a house for the first time, your real estate agent has probably suggested that you schedule a home inspection for any property that you are considering putting an offer in on. You might wonder why a home inspection is such a big deal, and whether or not it's actually worth the money. Here's a look at a few of the reasons why a home inspection is worth every penny of the investment for a potential home buyer. Read More …

How Real Estate Property Inspections Can Help Home Buyers Save Money

20 December 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Purchasing a home is perhaps the most expensive decision that most people will make in their lifetime. That's why home buyers must do everything they can to get things right on the first purchasing attempt. If you're buying a home, many considerations and caveats can result in a reduced quality of life, safety issues, unnecessary expenses, stress, and more. Fortunately, real estate property inspections have emerged as a fantastic opportunity for homeowners to uncover these considerations and caveats to ensure that they are getting the most for their money and to improve their overall home buying experience. Read More …

5 Reasons to Use a Land Surveyor During Estate Planning

16 December 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Estate planning is a vital but often overlooked task. Although many people have a relatively simple estate planning process, some have assets that make planning for inheritances much more complicated. One of these is real property. And a land surveyor may be able to help. How? Here are a few of the most common reasons to engage a surveyor during your estate planning journey.  1. To Quiet the Title. Sometimes, the title to a piece of property becomes problematic, neglected, wrong, or disputed over the years. Read More …

Discover The Value Of A Piece Of Artwork

14 December 2021
 Categories: , Blog

A painting, a sculpture, or any other piece of fine art that a famous artist has created could potentially be worth a large sum of money. A person who wishes to sell part of their art collection should seek an art appraisal. An art appraisal will provide an approximate value for a piece of art. An Artwork Price Index An artwork price index provides current market values for notable artwork. All of the characteristics of a piece of artwork may be listed in an index. Read More …